10 Tips for Consultants during Covid

If you've been wracking your brain, thinking of all the things you could be doing to help your consultancy business... then here are 10 things you can do - from top-line actions to practical tips

May 16, 2020


If you’ve been wracking your brain, thinking of all the things you could be doing to help your consultancy business… then here are 10 things you can do – from top-line actions to practical tips.
Let’s unpack that in a bit more detail…

1 // SWOT | Review

This is your opportunity to take stock of your business.

What has been working for you + where do your strengths lie, what are the weaknesses… and from those two what are the potential opportunities and threats.

I want to encourage you to think beyond just the threat of Oh Dear! covid is here, can’t work, #OhDear!” and rather think through potential threats on the horizon + things that need to be thought through differently.

Some of the questions you can ask yourself:

// When we come out of Lockdown, how do I want my business to look?

// How do I want things to be different?

// What can I do to position my business differently?

which leads us to the second point…

2 // Shift / Adapt

How do you need to shift your business? What are the things you need to do, to adapt to the times we are currently in?

There are changes coming, that’s for sure!

We will probably be in some form of lockdown for a while, and the changes “post lockdown” will be significant. The way we are all going to be operating after this, wont be the same – I don’t foresee us going “back to the way things were”.

The idea of many people congregating in large numbers [whether that’s a music concert, or a conference or a training venue], will probably not be the way it was for a VERY long time.

And if you consult 1:1 – this may mean you will need to put measures in place, in order to consult + have people in your space. Hygiene measures + sanitising, how many people you have in your space – etc. You need to think about what you’ll be doing to help your clients feel safe.

3. Stay Connected

Just because you’re in shutdown, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stay connected to your clients!

Now is not the time to disappear into the woodwork.

WARNING: This is not an opportunity to be sleazy + focused on how you can sell to them!!! 

NO! Please don’t be THAT GUY… who preys on people.

But you do want to stay connected with your clients.

You want to take this opportunity to connect with them, see where they are at + understand what they are currently faced with!

Who knows, in that understanding – you can still be of help + advice.

You’re used to sharing knowledge,

you’re used to thinking differently,

Now is a really good time to step in and be of service to your clients!

The added bonus: they will remember you afterwards, so connect!

4. Stay Sharp

When you were thinking about how you’d like your business to be after this, there may be some things you need to do – to remain relevant, stay up to date.

Are there new skills you need to learn during this time?

An example: We’ve all shifted to online meetings.

Having a zoom conversations used to be quite a scary concept for many of my clients, but with the current situation – we have needed to really get over that fear.

What are the other things you need to do, to stay sharp + up to date.

5. Positioning

How do you want your brand to be positioned?

What do you want to be known for, and the kind of experience you want to create for your clients?

Your positioning in the market will depend on how you stand out to your ideal client [or whether they just shop around for the cheapest product].

Think about what that needs to look like and then assess – is your current brand “on point”?

Are you showing up at that level?

If not, you need to start thinking about the things that you need to start tweaking in your business, so that they are in fact in line with the kind of business that you want to create!

6. Experience

What is the brand experience you’re creating for your clients?

Once you have determined how you’d like to be positioned, it makes sense to review each and every touchpoint – and determine whether your current experience matches how you want to be positioned.

Some of the things my clients have been working on during this time [so that they positioning themselves more effectively]:

  • Company profiles + proposal documents [that way the new clients they interact with – are really getting a feel of what the brand is like]
  • Pricing guides [especially after they thought about point number 9 below]
  • ebooks [a great way to show off your expertise]
  • Opt-ins and lead magnets – because whilst these are free – they are the first impression your client has with your business
  • Website updates
  • social media templates
  • Presentation decks

All of the things that your client experiences of you when they initially connect – is it positioning you as the authority that you are?

7. Stay Visible

How can you be more visible on social media?

It’s not a time to hibernate and disappear into the woodwork.

Now is the time to get onto social media and connect with people, remind people what you’re about, what you do, and how you add value to the world, and the impact that you make.

You want to be top of mind when your clients are able to afford you.

Maybe your clients want to work with you now! They could be itching to work with you, and need to know that you’re there! Reminding them that you’re there – and they may just give you a call… even during covid!

I have just been working on an online store – because I was visible, they connected with me because they remembered that I was someone who could help them with their brand and logo… and here I am creating a fully branded online store for them!

People are there, wanting to work with you! They will connect with you, if they know you’re around… so get social, get visible!

8. Going Digital

A really practical tip – is to align yourself to the world of working digitally.

// Digital Meetings:

Becoming comfortable with zoom [or skype, or google hangouts] – to run your digital meetings / training / strategy sessions.

All my brand strategy sessions and roadmap sessions [with international clients + some local ones too] are run through zoom, and it’s worked really effectively!

// Using Facebook Live

It’s one way you can run a “live” training session – but you’re just holding it online.

// Online training

Shifting your in-person workshops… to online workshops / training.

There are so many different ways that you can make this digital space work for you – you just need to be open to working with it!

9. Cutting The Fat

Most of us have fat hidden in parts of our business, that we ignore. but now is a great time to look at the fat that’s no longer serving your business, and cut it out.

Physical “fat”: Examples could be that you have additional hardware or software you don’t really need. Extra computers as an example, or like my hubby who realised he was having a whole bunch of deductions coming through for apps he no longer uses.

“fat” in the process: is there fat in the way you go about business that doesn’t need to be there right now – whilst our clients are results focused? or could you streamline your offer to meet your clients needs right now?

An example from my own business, is now I usually create a brand in 1 – 2 months, and I have just worked on a brand for a client that I completed in one week! This would definitely fill a need for my clients right now, and it makes sense to create this… the full offer still makes sense to other

What are the ways you can get really quick results for your clients right now?

10. Productising

As a consultant – there are a few ways that you could look at productising [creating a product out of a service] for your business:

  • turning your systems into an offer [like if I turn my quotes + proposal docs – systems that I believe in – into a service] What repeatable systems do you have in place, that could be a product that your clients value + need right now?
  • External purchases – that your clients need – that could be a bit of passive income right now [like the example I shared – where my client has set up an online store – and if salons refer their clients to purchase products – they earn a commission from that sale!]
  • Affiliate income – is another example of this – when you refer a product / service that you love + when your clients purchase that product, you earn income.

These are some ways you can add value to your clients + still earn additional income now.

Bonus Tip:

Not so much a tip, but wanted you to think differently about supporting the local smaller businesses right now.

In my business – I would often look to smaller businesses for gifts, or use a local bakery for workshop treats.

You may not necessarily be gifting right now, but when you are making purchases – is there a way you can support the local folk first?

and lastly… just be of help!

If there is a way you can help someone else with what you have – do that. It could be grabbing something at the shop for someone, preparing a meal, or [as I like to do] share my surplus veggies I’ve grown – with friends and neighbours!

However you’re able to help right now… do that.

I hope you’re all keeping safe during this time, and look forward to sharing more info with you soon!

Ps… If you enjoyed this article, then take a look at my free resource on more  income generating tactics that can help you during this time!

About the Author

Emma is the Chief Coffee Drinker here at FreshSage. With over a decade in branding + another decade in corporate business - she's always balancing the creative with business strategy + goals. She believes everyone has a purpose + calling, and secretly loves helping her clients find theirs. When she's not building brand experiences, she's spending time with her High-school sweetheart + kidlet, tinkering in her veg garden, painting an abstract, and enjoying vino with friends.

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