9 personal brand secrets of top online course creators

What's their secret? What are the top online course creators doing to build such incredible personal brands that create these amazing loyal followings?

Mar 3, 2020


What’s their secret?

What are the top online course creators doing to build such incredible personal brands that create these amazing loyal followings?

It’s a question that I have been asked again and again! and again!

After all… what is their secret? HHHhhhooowwww???

I decided to do a little sleuthing.

I wanted to see what were they doing?

I wanted to uncover their secrets.

and I wanted to know what the magic pill was!!!

The truth was…

[spoiler alert] There is no magic pill, their “secrets” were actually hidden in plain sight!!!

They have often spoken about their secrets to success.

Nope… no mystical secrets were uncovered! Whomp Whomp!

But what I did uncover… was many of these influencers were doing similar things, things that really attracted their tribe to them…

the more I researched, the more I was able to distill it into 9 key things… 

These 9 things were consistent across most of them, so I quickly realised that the secret to building their personal brand – was encased in these 9 secrets.

Here’s a video of me walking you through what I uncovered [but if you want to read the cliff notes – those are below].


1. They created a personal brand

when you think about these course creators, you’re instantly thinking about the person that is behind the brand – Smart passive income, is Pat Flynn! The architect turned course creator – which his tribe [of over 220k youtube followers]  have dubbed a “great guy” – his genuine-ness supercedes the awesome practical tips he shares!

How it applies to you:

How can you incorporate more of YOU into your business? What “nuggets” can you share about who you are – that your audience can relate to?

2 They are polarising

You either love them, or you don’t. Ash Ambirge [of the middle finger project – with over 26k facebook fans], is a great example of it, you’ll either love her… or not. and that’s the point!

How it applies to you:

What are the things that you stand for? What are your beliefs, values, and things you won’t compromise on?

3. They invested in their “look + feel”

Their brand conveys the experience they want to create. Marie Forleo has been a great example of positioning your brand look… from the logo + website, all the way through to her recording studio [and the flowers in the background] to how she does her hair + what clothing she wears… and her over 620k youtube fans are evident of the impact it can make! 

How it applies to you:

When clients interact with your brand, are you positioning yourself as brand that is as credible and effective as the level of service you offer?

4. They have a clear USP + message


They are super clear on what they do, who they connect with, and what’s unique about them!


Donald Miller [storybrand] is a great example of someone who has a clear message – after all, he’s all about helping clients with their messaging + brand story [side note – I was kinda surprised that his almost 30k instagram following was bigger than his almost 10k youtube one]

How it applies to you:

When clients interact with your brand, are you positioning yourself as brand that is as credible and effective as the level of service you offer?

5. They know your pain point + aspirations

They have gotten very clear on what is keeping you stuck, and where you want to go, what your dreams are… and they connect with you from a place of understanding.

Like James Wedmore, who taps into the aspiration of those online course creators who want to shift to the 7 figure mark.

How it applies to you:

Do a deep dive – really get to know what those pain points and aspirations are!

6. They build a community

They are focused on building a tribe – which is usually around a bigger message. They are care about that tribe + nurture those in their care. Like Jennifer Allwood who is focused on building her tribe of Christian business women [over 300k facebook fans, and almost 6k in YouTube subscribers] who need to move beyond their fear.

How it applies to you:

What community are you wanting to build? What’s your deeper message? 

7. They give tons of value

Whether you read a post, watch a video, or listen to the podcast – their content is often geared at sharing the gold UPFRONT!

Melyssa Griffin is an example of someone who give lots of practical easy to execute value to her 59k instagram tribe [just check out the highlights!], prior to signing up!

How it applies to you:

What is the gold you can give? What value can you provide for your tribe?

8. They are consistent

Their success comes from showing up consistently… for long periods of time, and consistently giving value. Not only does Julie Stoain constantly shows up around the same message, but she also consistently shares content, and is visible to those in her Living the laptop life community [which is 33k members strong].

How it applies to you:

Is your message consistent? Are you consistently visible?

9. They share their journey

They share their struggles, frustrations, and learnings on their journey… because of that – you’re connected at a very different level. Jenna Kutcher not only shares about how to grow as an influencer [with a 900k instagram presence] + digital marketer, but she also focuses her message around those struggling with body issues [and has been regularly seen in her underwear] and opens up about many aspects around business.

How it applies to you:

What part of your journey would you share?

About the Author

Emma is the Chief Coffee Drinker here at FreshSage. With over a decade in branding + another decade in corporate business - she's always balancing the creative with business strategy + goals. She believes everyone has a purpose + calling, and secretly loves helping her clients find theirs. When she's not building brand experiences, she's spending time with her High-school sweetheart + kidlet, tinkering in her veg garden, painting an abstract, and enjoying vino with friends.

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