This week we spoke about the importance of dreaming… and I caught myself doing quite a bit of dreaming!
I decided to spend a bit of time dreaming about my brand, and what I’d like my business to be about… and here it is {in Pictures}:
And it was a great excercise – because I realised that there are actually quite a few “words” that are currently summing up my brand, and I need to distill it to 3. I also realised that some of the concepts come across really well – but there are a few big “gaps” in how I present myself {some fun ahead for me}!
Now I need your help!
Based on this moodboard: What 3 words would you use to describe the essence of my brand?
I’d love to know what you think – so leave a comment below – or on my facebook page… and the search begins 😉
PS: As noted in the caption… these images are captured by a variety of fantastic artists… for more information on any-one of them… please check out my pinterest board {where you can click through to their website}!
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