How to work from home effectively, tips for when the kids are home with you

19 March, 2020


Emma Weise


“How do you work [effectively] from home, when you have your kids with you?”

So whether you’ve been quarantined [thanks Covid-19] or if you just find yourself wondering how to deal with the juggling act of kids + work [whilst working from home], then you’re in the right space.

Soon after I had started working for myself,

my first school holidays hit…

Initially it was lovely, I was able to go on a coffee date with kidlet – guilt free, and taking him to his beloved bike park was a no-brainer.

But quickly I was faced with the question “how do I juggle kiddo and still get enough work done”? [without burning myself out!].

The good news…

is that once you’ve found your groove, it gets easier.

There are a few things that I figured out along the way, some seemingly small tips – were actually a huge game changer for me!

Working from home [with kids around] is an adjustment.

So give yourself a bucketload of grace!

As the world goes through a massive shift & all the quarantines come into play, I know that many of you are faced with the need to work from home, whilst the kids are home with you!

Not only are you dealing with how to keep up with the workload, you’re also faced with kids needing your time [they seem to get extra needy when you need to get a critical piece of work done] and if you are working for a boss – you may find they are also struggling to adjust to the idea of you being away from the office.

If you’re your own boss, the list of things you’re responsible for is as long as your arm, and if you don’t watch out – things can quickly slip into overwhelm.

I know the transition can be a challenge.

Making the transition easier.

In thinking about how I know that there are so many who are about to embark on the bumpy transition of working from home, I decided to connect with a mom who I know gets it [Frankie Bell, from Additive Free Kids] – to ask her input on how to make it work [after all – she has 5 kids]!

We recorded a few nuggets of wisdom…

from two online entrepreneur moms who get it.

Check out this interview – where we tackle your productivity, we share ideas how to entertain kids, and even a few meal tips!

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Written by Emma Weise

Emma is the Chief Coffee Drinker here at FreshSage. With over a decade in branding + another decade in corporate business - she's always balancing the creative with business strategy + goals. She believes everyone has a purpose + calling, and secretly loves helping her clients find theirs. When she's not building brand experiences, she's spending time with her High-school sweetheart + kidlet, tinkering in her veg garden, painting an abstract, and enjoying vino with friends.



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