The secret ingredient that your clients want most (+ 7 recipes + 43 ways you can attract your ideal client)

Aug 15, 2018


I can hear again!

After a frustrating week of living in bubble of distorted sounds, the frustration of muffled voices, and missing out on important information… eventually [after plenty of home remedy options] ear piercing pain… I went and saw a doctor. Expecting a middle ear infection + a dose of antibiotics… it turned out that I just had a wax build up that was causing pressure [and eventually some really excrutiating pain] in my ear! When he suggested that I needed a syringe, whilst I was quietly questioning him in my mind, thinking “is this going to make my ear drum burst??? After all – it’s damn sore!” – I knew he was the expert. Plus… The pain was too much to live with. So if a syringe was a solution – then sure… go for it! A quick syringe sesh later [gross, I know!]… and I could hear again!

The sound was crystal clear, and beautiful!

I was hearing the world in stereo. Slight sounds were laser clear and sharp! It felt like I had witnessed a miracle. This whole experience reminded me of a very valuable lesson in running a beautiful business…

be a miracle.

attract ideal client Your clients are in pain. They have [more than likely] suffered for a while, trying one solution or another… realising each time that those “quick fixes” and “home attempts” don’t always get to the gritty core of the problem [or realising that they don’t have the expertise to tackle the problem]. But when you get to the core of their problem… …and solve it… …you become their miracle! There are many people who need the miracle you have to give.

Maybe you’re still searching for someone you can bring miracles to?

I get that. Finding them can leave you feeling like a door-to-door sales person. and each time hubby used to utter the words “cold call” – it used to send shivers down my spine!

so I created these 43 ways you can attract your ideal client – and today it’s my gift to you!

Use these 7 recipes – to go find someone that you can be a miracle for!

I can’t wait to hear which recipe’s you’re going to try!?!?!

About the Author

Emma is the Chief Coffee Drinker here at FreshSage. With over a decade in branding + another decade in corporate business - she's always balancing the creative with business strategy + goals. She believes everyone has a purpose + calling, and secretly loves helping her clients find theirs. When she's not building brand experiences, she's spending time with her High-school sweetheart + kidlet, tinkering in her veg garden, painting an abstract, and enjoying vino with friends.

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