Would you serve quality champagne in a plastic picnic cup?

Feb 21, 2019


If you’re like me, the answer is HELL NO!

Not only do you not want to smell plastic when sipping on some cap classique… but it affects the taste too [and the overall experience / enjoyability].

And if I’ve been offered champagne, and it arrives in a plastic cup… I instantly think it’s the cheap shit!

I swear… drinking a beautiful champagne out of a nice glass, really enhances the experience.

Yes, I’m a total snob like that.

But more importantly…

so is your client!

When they come across you… 

They may have an instant connection to your message, and resonate with what you’re saying… but if they scratch a little deeper, and your brand looks like a plastic cup… be dang sure they will start questioning if you’re the real deal!

How do you make sure that your client doesn’t think you’re the “cheap shit”?

Because unless your model is all about the cheapest deal – then you want the client to really get a sense of the value you’re providing, through your brand!



Here are a 3 things you can start looking at:

[to make sure that your clients aren’t thinking you’re serving up that “plastic experience”]

1. Start with the champagne.

Slapping a pretty label on some cheap champagne isn’t going to “fly” on the taste test with your clients… so if your offering isn’t quality, a great brand will only get you so far!

Starting with a good quality offering is critical!

2.The shape of the glass.

As someone is bringing that champagne over to you – you’re totally judging it on face value.

So thinking of your brand, what’s the first impression your brand identity gives? Are you clearly differentiated? does it “look right”?

3.The quality of the glass.

Then when someone passes you the glass, you can feel if the glass is great quality or not.

Likewise with your brand, what is the feeling the identity evokes? is your personality shining through? Is there consistency between what you say, how you say it, and how it’s all presented?


Want a taste test?


🤔 If you’d like a brand strategist to take a look at your brand’s first impressions to make sure you aren’t giving your potential clients that “plastic feel”…

📆 Then you need to grab one of my free Brand Assessments!

About the Author

Emma is the Chief Coffee Drinker here at FreshSage. With over a decade in branding + another decade in corporate business - she's always balancing the creative with business strategy + goals. She believes everyone has a purpose + calling, and secretly loves helping her clients find theirs. When she's not building brand experiences, she's spending time with her High-school sweetheart + kidlet, tinkering in her veg garden, painting an abstract, and enjoying vino with friends.

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